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Russian AutoMotoClub (RAMC) is the Federal company providing roadside assistance services available for every driver all over Russia.
RAMC offers Russian and foreign motorists a full range of services at European standards available 24/7/365 at a fair price. The price for roadside rescue services (towing and road assistance and vehicle repair) in Russia depends on the type of vehicle, its weight, type of breakdown and remoteness of the place of breakdown from the nearest city where breakage or car accident occurred. For members (club cards owners), all services are provided for free.
You can rely on us in case you need help with:
- Emergency fuel delivery. If you’ve run out of fuel, we can deliver you enough to get you to the nearest petrol station (at least);
- Engine start. Car batteries have an annoying habit of dying at the most inconvenient moments. Contact us - we’ll work out whether you need a jump start or a replacement battery, and send our mechanics to help.
- Locksmith service. This might also be called ‘emergency key service’ or something similar. It’s designed to assist you if your car key is stolen, lost or you’ve locked it in the car.
- Flat tyre. There are all sorts of situations in which you might need help to change a flat tyre. These can include safety reasons or physical incapacity.
- Mechanical breakdowns. There was a time when we could perform a fair amount of DIY work on a vehicle when it broke down. Today’s more complex engine systems and intricate electronics mean that it’s often better to call in a professional to assess the problem. Our technicians will have a look at your car and, where possible, make minor repairs. If the problem is more serious, we’ll organise a tow.
- Towing in case of accident or mechanical breakdowns.
- Legal advice in case of car accident.
8(800)2507262 - free of charge within Russia if you use local SIM-card
7(495)6406692 - if you use foreign SIM-card
Use our mobile app – make one click – we`ll call you back
At the RAMC, we do care, that’s why we fix 7/10 cars on the roadside!
Russian AutoMotoClub today:
- Federal call center with handling capacity over 10000 requests per day
- Over 3 mln cars under assistance
- Over 150 000 technical cases managed in 2017
- Our own fleet of breakdown vehicles in 6 biggest cities equipped by European standards
- The largest subcontractor network in Russia (in 200+ cities), which we educate and control
- Qualified personnel educated according to uniquely elaborated techniques with wide experience in technical assistance and legal counseling
- RAMC provides roadside assistance for owners of cars, buses and trucks up to 3500 kg.
We provide roadside assistance in any area in Russia:
- in both densely populated and sparsely populated areas of Russia
- in all cities where the 2018 FIFA World Cup will be held (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Sochi etc)
- on all major highways of the country
- in all popular tourist destinations («Golden Ring», Krasnodar region, Crimea)
- in Urals, Siberia, and Far East Regions
Free service zones for RAMC members depends on the type of membership program. Please learn more about membership programs here.
Russian AutoMotoClub is a subsidiary company of ARC Eupope Group , which is the largest supplier of roadside assistance services in Europe with an outstanding network in more than 40 European countries.
ARC Europe Group today:
- 4000 multilingual operators in Europe
- 41000 patrol cars and towing trucks
- Over 42 mln vehicles under cover
Our network acts as one group for operations, powered by the best-in class automobile clubs and assistance partners. Arc Europe is a group with a Group with a unique vision, 8 Shareholders leading their local market, and 42 Partners to propose a full European coverage.
You might know our chairholders and partners as ADAC in Germany, AA in Great Britain, Touring in Belgium, ACI in Italy, Starter 24 in Poland, Autolitto in Finland etc.
If you are a member of one of this club, please call your club in advance to find out about service in Russia – some clubs can include Russian coverage in your membership for a very low price. Find out more about our network on the Arc Europe Group website.